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The Bird House


Hand-fed Lovebirds

Lovebirds are curious and energetic birds. They are active, feisty, and playful and pack a lot of personality into a small package. They are very social, form deep bonds with their owners, and are sometimes very cuddly. Daily handling and socializing are recommended to keep them friendly.  Although they can be tamed at any age, it is best to get them young and hand-fed. Contrary to the name and to folklore Lovebirds do not need to be kept in pairs. In fact, it is recommended that these birds be kept singly to strengthen the bond with their owners.

Quick Stats: Lovebird


Family: ‎Psittacidae

Genus: Agapornis.


Origin: Africa


Description: The lovebird is a small stocky parrot approximately 6 inches long. The different species of lovebirds are identifiable by their colors and markings. They vary greatly in their coloring, and each species can be viewed for their unique combinations. There are also a variety of color mutations.


Disposition: Lovebirds are active, cheerful and beautifully decorative. Lovebirds come from the drier regions of Africa. Because they evolved from a very harsh environment, they are very suited to captivity. Not only do they have a good disposition, these charming, brilliantly colored little pets are very hardy and easy to care for.


Diet:  Seeds, fruits and vegetables


Water: Provided at all times; they enjoy a daily bath in their water dish


Housing: A bird cage- minimum of 32 inches x 20 inches x 20 inches


Life expectancy: 12 to 15 years


Sexing: Most Lovebirds are not sexually dimorphic and must be sexed by DNA testing



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